Create an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account
- Create an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account
Create an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account
Go to
![AWS - Create an AWS account](img/create-aws-account.png)
Click on "Create an AWS Account".
Note that the AWS account include 12 months of free tier access.
Create your AWS account:
![AWS - Create your AWS account](img/create-your-aws-account.png)
Fill the fields in the section "Contact Information":
![AWS account - Contact Information](img/aws-account-contact-information.png)
Fill the fields in the section "Payment Information":
![AWS account - Payment Information](img/aws-account-payment-information.png)
Fill the fields in the section "Confirm your identity":
![AWS account - Confirm your identity](img/aws-account-confirm-your-identity.png)
Enter the verification code, and click on "Verify Code".
Select a Support Plan:
![AWS account - Select a Support Plan](img/aws-account-select-support-plan.png)
Click on "Free" under "Basic Plan".
Welcome to Amazon Web Services:
![AWS account - Welcome to Amazon Web Services](img/aws-account-welcome-aws.png)
Sign In to the Console:
![AWS account - Sign In to the Console](img/aws-account-sign-in-console.png)
AWS Management Console: