Please visit this page for more details about Kubernetes Web UI (Dashboard):
Deploying the Dashboard UI:
Check the Dashboard Service:
Check the Dashboard Deployment:
Check the Dashboard Pods:
Accessing the Dashboard UI:
To access the Web UI (Dashboard), open your favorite browser and copy paste the URL:
Skip the login page of the Kubernetes dashboard:
You need to edit the kubernetes-dashboard deployment and add the --enable-skip-login to the container argument:
You can also use the "kubectl patch" command to add the --enable-skip-login to the container argument:
Restart the proxy and you should see a Skip button when you access the Kubernetes Dashboard:
Click on the Skip button and you should be redirected to the Kubernetes Dashboard:
Accessing the Dashboard UI remotely:
Forward the port 8001 from Windows into your Linux WSL distro.
The portproxy server listens for messages sent to a specific port and IPv4 address and maps a port and IPv4 address to send the messages received after establishing a separate TCP connection.
listenaddress: Specifies the IPv4 address for which to listen ("" any IPv4 address).
listenport: Specifies the IPv4 port on which to listen ("8001", you can choose any port you want).
connectaddress: Specifies the IPv4 address to which to connect ("", this should be the address of your Linux WSL distro).
connectport: Specifies the IPv4 port to which to connect ("8001", must match the port your set for your sshd on your Linux WSL distro).
To check the Port:
Start kubectl proxy command:
To delete Kubernetes Dashboard:
To delete the IPv4 port and address from the list of IPv4 ports and addresses for which the server listens.: