The command
top display the system summary information that is organized on 5 areas.
The first area display the current time, the time since last boot, the total number of users, the system load average over the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes.
The second area display the number of processes and how much of them are running, sleeping, stopped, zombie.
The last areas display information about the CPU, the physical memory, and the swap memory.
The command
top also display a detailed list of all running processes.
By default the list provides the following headers:
- PID: the process id.
- USER: the owner of the process.
- PR: the priority of the process.
- NI: the nice value of the process.
- VIRT: the virtual memory used by the process.
- RES: the physical memory used by the process.
- SHR: the shared memory with other processes.
- S: the process status (D: uninterruptible sleep, R: running, S: sleeping, T: stopped by job control signal, t: stopped by debugger during trace, Z: zombie).
- %CPU: the share of CPU time that the process is suing.
- %MEM: the share of physical memory that the process is suing.
- TIME+: the CPU time used by the process.
- COMMAND: the command line used to start the process.