"), you need to use ZooKeeper "chroot
" is not mandatory but it's considered as a best practice.chroot
" znode in ZooKeeper.zkCli.sh
" to create your "chroot
" znode (ie: "/solr
", and "solrhost2
", "zkhost2
", and "zkhost3
" in the folder you want to install Solr: /opt/solr-9.1.1
(or solr.solr.home
) represents the path of the Solr home directory: /opt/solr/server/solr
represents the path of the Solr installation folder: /opt/solr/
must contain a solr.xml
file, otherwise Solr will fail to start.solrhost1
", "solrhost2
")-z "zkhost1:2181,zkhost2:2181,zkhost3:2181/solr"
from the above command if you have defined "ZK_HOST
" in "solr.in.sh
" (the znode "/solr
" has to be created first in ZooKeeper):chroot
", make sure that the Solr znode is created first in ZooKeeper ("/solr
" configuration to ZooKeeper ("${SOLR_HOME}/configsets/_default
" parameter, go down, Solr will lose connection with ZooKeeper even if the ZooKeeper ensemble contains other instances that are up and running.-m 512m
(default)-z "zkhost1:2181,zkhost2:2181,zkhost3:2181/solr"
", "solrhost2
" in ZooKeeper.solr-9.1.1.zip
" file to 2 locations of your choice:/opt/solr-i1
" in ZooKeeper.solr-9.1.1.zip
" file to a location of your choice:/opt/solr
, solr2
, ...solr1
, solr2
, ...),
you need to copy the "solr.xml
" file from "/opt/solr/server/solr
, solr2
, ...),
you need to create a "logs
" directory./opt/solr/bin/solr