Configure Solr to listen on a specific IP address or host name
When starting Solr, it will try to detect the IP address of the host where it's running.
If you want to configure Solr to use another IP address or host name, you can use "" as parameter when starting Solr:
Setting "" might be needed when you cannot access Solr Admin UI or when you get errors when using Solr APIs:
You can also set "" in the "" file ("" for Windows) by editing
the "SOLR_OPTS" environment variable:
Note that you might need to set the "SOLR_HOST" environment variable if you get an error similar to the following:
To set "SOLR_HOST", edit the "" file ("" for Windows) and uncomment the "SOLR_HOST" environment variable:
Note that Solr will use the hostname of the Solr server as the address of the node when it registers with ZooKeeper.