You can run Solr using one the available examples that are shipped with Solr.
This will create the example schema and index in Solr the example data.
This could be a quick and easy way to start using Solr and exploring its features.
To start Solr using an example:
To see the available examples run the command:
Note that the Solr home directory of the started example will be located under "
Using "techproducts" example:
Note that starting Solr with the "techproducts" example will run a Standalone Server.
Note also that documents under "/opt/solr/example/exampledocs" directory will be indexed.
Solr Admin UI:

Verify Solr process:
Stop Solr:
Using "cloud" example:
Solr Admin UI:

Verify Solr processes:
Stop Solr: