If you have a required unique key (Solr schema), you need to generate an auto value for the field (see an example bellow).
You can configure the request handler to capture Tika attributes and saved them in specific fields.
To save Tika attributes in a separate field "meta", add the following option to the request handler:
The "content" filed will hold, in this case, only the extracted text.
To lower case the extracted fields/attributes, add the following option to the request handler:
To save the extracted fields/attributes in separate fields, add the prefix "fmap." to the request handler:
To apply the notes mentioned above, please adjust the "
solrconfig.xm" file with the following:
You also need to adjust the the solr schema and add a special dynamic field (
*) to be able to index:
► Tika fields (
x_parsed_by, ...)
► and Solr fields (
To apply these changes you need to reload the collections that uses the updated configuration (solr schema and config).
If your changes didn't apply properly, try to restart Solr.
Otherwise check Solr logs in case you have some errors in your configuration.