List topics:
Describe a topic (name, partitions count, replication factor, partitions list/configurations):
How to delete topics?
How to send (produce) a message to Kafka?
Using the console to produce a message to Kafka:
The output when your read the messages with a consumer should looks as following:
Using a file to produce a message to Kafka (each line in the file is sent as a seprate message):
The output when your read the messages with a consumer should looks as following (the order of messages might be different):
Using a file with "key:value" lines (one entry per line) to produce a message to Kafka (each line in the file is sent as a separate message):
The output when your read the messages with a consumer should looks as following (the order of messages might be different):
Using "key:value" command line to produce a message to Kafka:
The output when your read the messages with a consumer should looks as following (the order of messages might be different):
How to send a very large file to Kafka?
You need to configure the property max.request.size
of the file ${KAFKA_HOME}/config/
You need to configure the property message.max.bytes
of the file ${KAFKA_HOME}/config/
How to receive (consume) a message from kafka?
Consume new messages from a specific topic using a custom "
" file:
Consume all messages from a specific topic using the option "from-beginning
Consume messages from a specific topic using custom properties:
A list of various command lines to consume messages from a specific topic using partitions properties:
How to monitor consumer groups?
List all consumers groups (this will only show information about consumers that use ZooKeeper, not those using the Java Consumer API):
Describe a consumer group (this will only show information about consumers that use ZooKeeper, not those using the Java Consumer API):
How to get an entity configuration?
Get a topic configuration:
Get a broker configuration:
How to add/update/delete an entity configuration?
Add/update new/existing configuration of a specific topic:
Get the topic configuration:
Delete a configuration from a specific topic:
Kafka Tool
Download Kafka Tool:
Copy Kafka Tool in the folder you want to install it:
Run Kafka Tool:
Broker (Properties):
Topic (Properties):
Topic (Data):
Topic (Partitions):
Consumers (Partitions):
Consumers (Offsets):