kubectl is the Kubernetes command-line tool that can be used to interact with the Kubernetes API server.
Cloud providers also provide their own command-line interfaces (CLIs):
The following "kubectl" commands are run on a Kubernetes cluster installed on Docker Desktop (Windows - WSL 2).
To print the version of the cluster (Kubernetes API server) and the "kubectl" tool:
To List the nodes of the cluster:
Depending on your installation you might see at least one node with the role "master" (the control plane: kube-apiserver, etcd)
and eventually a list of worker nodes (where the containers are scheduled).
To get information about a node:
To describe a node:
The commands show information about the node (hostname, processor, OS, ...), its capacity (CPU, memory, ...),
the Pods running on it (their names, CPU/Memory requests and limits), the total allocated resources (CPU/Memory requests and limits),
the conditions of the pressure on the disk and the memory,
and the version of some system components is also printed (Linux Kernel, Container Runtime, Kubelet, ...).