You need to have 2 Solr instances (up and running)
Create the collection:
Solr - collections:
A znode "
" (Solr collection) will be creacted in ZooKeeper and will contain the following znodes:
The znode "
" (Solr configuration) contain the following znodes:
The shards/replicas of the collection will be created in the file system:
See more details in these files:
► ${SOLR_ROOT_INSTANCE_1}/server/solr/collection6_shard1_replica_n2/
► ${SOLR_ROOT_INSTANCE_1}/server/solr/collection6_shard2_replica_n6/
► ${SOLR_ROOT_INSTANCE_2}/server/solr/collection6_shard1_replica_n1/
► ${SOLR_ROOT_INSTANCE_2}/server/solr/collection6_shard2_replica_n4/